
FCS Standard BreylTM Clamping Seats

The FCS Standard provides the geometry of the clamping seats to be carried-out in the workpiece.

According to the FCS Standard, the designer choses the most adequate clamping seats (geometry and grid step) depending on the workpiece size and on the type of the operation to be carried-out. - Between the clamping seats and the base support (Base gauges/Pallets) are applied the interconnections components (manual/automatic) in order to hold fixed the workpiece to the base support.

FCS 3D Assembly Simulator is a web application that allows the user to easily explore thousands of clamping combinations obtainable by the FCS Clamping System.

FCS Standard Breyl<sup>TM</sup> Clamping Seats
FCS Standard Breyl<sup>TM</sup> Clamping Seats



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