More than 1.000 Users Worldwide
The R&D on industrial processes and their automatization allows FCS to develop solutions for the production process improvement in several fields of application.

Mould Making
Technologies aimed to standardize the manufacturing process for non-series production.

The high accuracy of the system ensures the required repeatability in series production.

Dedicated clamping solutions enable to preserve the full structural integrity of the workpiece.

The System offers a wide range of solutions applicable in several industrial processes.
Sales: 80% Export
The capacity to respond to the productive challenges of the global market and to provide a local, design and operational, assistance has made FCS an international point of reference.
15 Worldwide Patents
15 worldwide patents attest the company efforts to research innovative solutions in the field of the industrial processes and in their automation.
Founded in 2003 by the Spin-off of the R&D division of ELMANN mould industry, FCS System has as Mission the study and distribution of integrated systems for the improvement of production efficiency and the resulting process optimization.
Launch of the new product line MOTION. First delivery of a PALLET CHANGER.
First automated system provided and installed abroad (North America). 24 station FCS PALLET CHANGER system used for cutting small moulds parts. The machine changes parts with a robot arm and can run unattended for many hours.
First delivery of integrated and automated system controlled by the FCS SUPERVISOR applied on a production cell.
Foundation of FCS NORTH AMERICA Inc. a logistic and sales headquarter for the North America Market.
Foundation of FCS IBERIA to reinforce the European market presence.